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STAR TECHNICAL S.A is committed to carry out all actions necessary in order to improve the conditions and performance of health and safety, to ensure the protection of life and health of workers, including suppliers, subcontractors, customers and visitors to their premises and construction sites of the Company, as defined by the relevant provisions of Greek and European legislation.

The activities of STAR TECHNICAL S.A which are included within the scope of the CMS Health and Safety at Work are:

  • “Construction and Maintenance of Electrical Works, Infrastructure and Civil Engineering ”

  • “ Maintenance and Cleaning of any kind of Infrastructure ”

  • “Hire of Construction Machinery with Operator”

The basis for the Company's policy are:

  • The risk assessment and taking the necessary measures for their control.

  • The training programs and preventive action to improve working conditions.

  • Maintenance and monitoring the safe operation of facilities and installations.

  • Compliance with legislative requirements, standards and internal guidelines.

  • Open and transparent communication and continuous and appropriate education for all matters relating to health and safety.

The ultimate goal of STAR TECHNICAL S.A is the performance of all operations with the best standard in quality and time, without accident or incident that could harm human health. The health and safety of workers is a concern to all those involved in the activities of the Company and depends above all on ourselves.

The strategy of STAR TECHNICAL S.A for risk reduction activities is based on the prevention of hazardous situations, detection and immediate elimination of dangerous situations generated.

The policy and objectives of the STAR TECHNICAL S.A for the health and safety of workers should be applied by all employees at all levels of the business and together, acknowledging the individual risks of the workplace, contribute to improving performance Management System Occupational Health & Safety.